Visionary of Peace
The highest distinction of achievement an MIIPH member can attain is Visionary of Peace. Why a visionary? This is because, in spite of all of our efforts and selfless acts in the physical world on behalf of the noble cause of peace, sometimes it is merely the vision of what can be that sustains us through the bleakest and most challenging of times.
Visionaries are able to see possibilities of the future in the face of a current reality that does not align with the principles of peace. Visionaries are undaunted by the difficult path in front of them, because they believe that justice, or karmic balance, ultimately tips the scales in favor of an overarching peace.
Members who have completed all MIIPH lessons and activities may nominate themselves to be a Visionary of Peace.
In addition, members who have contributed substantial support to MIIPH may be nominated for the distinction of Visionary of Peace in recognition for their outstanding service and support.