Below are some useful resources for peace studies, personal insight, and further information to fuel your journey to peace.

Alliance for Peacebuilding
Washington, D.C. – based nonprofit organization with a mission to champion greater peacebuilding influence, impact, and innovation to avert wars, end violence, and save lives.

Americans for Peace Now
Sister organization to Israel-based Shalom Achshav, Americans for Peace Now’s mission is to achieve comprehensive, durable, Israeli-Palestinian and Israeli-Arab peace, based on a two-state solution that honors the heritage and culture of all residents.

Beit T’Shuvah
Jewish-based nonprofit that provides spiritual guidance, education and job training, and addiction recovery residential services.

Center for Global Nonkilling
Nonprofit organization with a mission to “promote change toward the measurable goal of a killing-free world by means open to infinite human creativity.

Eisenhower Media Network
An organization of expert former U.S. military, intelligence, and civilian national security officials who advocate for peace and nonviolence.

Kids for Peace
Nonprofit network with more than 17 million youth members who contribute hands-on service, global friendships, and acts of kindness in the name of peace. Every year, the organization appoints a Peace Hero – a public figure role model who exemplifies the ideals of peace.

Michelangelo Mindset
“What if your success, happiness, and fulfillment were in the marble of your future and you could carve away anything that got in the way of imagining, seeing, and realizing them?”

Peace Corps
An independent agency and volunteer program run by the U.S. Government since 1961 that provides young adults with opportunities to provide international social and economic development assistance.

United States Institute of Peace
Formed in 1984 when President Ronald Reagan signed the United States Institute of Peace Act, the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) is an information and education resource focused on conflict management and resolution.

Who I Am Dynamics
Presentations, courses, and training that promote avenues of personal enrichment, empowerment, and growth in coordination with one’s environment.

Resolving conflict in a more peaceful, collaborative and intelligent way throughout the world is the vision of Smartsettle, a Canadian technology company building eNegotiation tools that help create better agreements for all.

Seeds of Peace
“What if your success, happiness, and fulfillment were in the marble of your future and you could carve away anything that got in the way of imagining, seeing, and realizing them?”